Rad Dad Trivia & Melee - 2024 Growing Season

Date: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, 6-9pm

Moustaches 4 Kids will be hosting a Rad Dad Trivia Night & Melee which is simply an opportunity to see how much smarter and stronger you are with a moustache. Consensus has showed 30-40 IQ points. Bring your Jean Shorts, New Balances, Cell Phone Clip and your Spatula. And yes, Beer. Be prepared to step out of your traditional trivia night with competitions, can stomps, Scott’s turf builder relay races, and more!

cfa/1886 beach workout & hangout

Dates: Saturday, June 15, 9:00am - 11:00am

CrossFit Anaheim and 1886
communities gather for a team WOD at Huntington Beach! This is a family-friendly day to lay out and build sandcastles with the children while others participate in a workout that includes the water! Non-members are welcome to join in and experience our community and training.